Thank you for being a valued supporter. Your generosity helps us turn pages and shape futures, and we are deeply grateful for your ongoing commitment. Your tax-deductible donation gives us the ability to make a positive impact on the community through funding of the many outstanding services and programs offered at Way.
This year, our library has been a beacon of knowledge, creativity, and community engagement. Our mission to provide access to information, foster a love of reading, and promote lifelong learning remains at the heart of everything we do.
No matter the amount, your tax-deductible donation to Way helps to strengthen our services. If you are able, will you consider making a donation today? From large gifts to our endowment to donations to our Annual Campaign, every gift is vital to the continued success of Way Library. Your thoughtful donation may be made online or to WPLFF, 101 East Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551.
Charitable Distribution (QCD). If you are 70½ or older, you can make a direct transfer from your IRA to the Way Public Library Foundation & Friends without it counting as taxable income. This is an incredible way to support our mission while also benefiting your tax situation!
Donate Now!
We thank the community for their support of the Way Public Library Foundation & Friends for more than 30 years!
Memorial & Honorarium
Book Donations and Sales
Shape the Future of Way

Making a bequest to the Way Public Library Foundation & Friends not only is a sign of benevolence, but also is the mark of your desire to help shape the future.
The proceeds of any planned gift can be unrestricted, allowing the Foundation to meet the needs of the Way Public Library as they arise, or can be restricted, offering a way for you to support a program or area in which you are particularly interested.
Book Donation Guidelines
We will not be accepting donations from October 30 - November 11 due to November book sale preparation.
We welcome donations of books and other materials that expand and enhance our collection or are suitable for resale.
**Limit donations to 2 bags or boxes of books.
We CANNOT accept:
· Books in poor condition (stained, yellowed, moldy, torn)
· Audio cassettes, VHS tapes and magazines
· Books more than 5 years old in the following categories:
Encyclopedias, Medical/Health, Textbooks, Business
Travel and Computer, Educational/ Reference
We CAN accept (in good condition only):
· Hardcover and paperback books (fiction and non-fiction)
· Children’s books
· DVD movies
· Audio books on CD
· Music CDs
Donations are added to the Library’s collection if they meet the same standards as those required of purchased materials. Most donations are not added to the collection, but are sold by the Foundation & Friends to fund special Library projects and services.
The Library will, upon request of the donor, provide a receipt for donated items, but cannot assign a value to donated materials. Once accepted, donations are property of the Library and cannot be returned to the donor.
Kroger Rewards - Support Way by registering your card!
Simply go to and enter EC279 (Way Public Library Foundation code) as your designation choice. It's that easy and it makes a difference. If you have any questions please contact Lisa Richard at 419-874-3135 ext. 139 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Way Public Library Foundation & Friends is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization founded by a group of citizens who understood that a strong public library would not be possible through public funding alone. EIN 34-1712599